GameSec 2023

Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security

October 18-20, 2023, Avignon, France

Call for Papers

The 14th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (GameSec-23) will take place from October 18-20, 2023 in Avignon, France. With the rapid development of information, automation, and communication technology, the security of these emerging systems is more important now than ever. GameSec 2023 focuses on protecting heterogeneous, large-scale, and dynamic cyber-physical systems and managing security risks faced by critical infrastructures through rigorous and practically relevant analytical methods. GameSec 2023 invites novel, high-quality theoretical and empirical contributions, which leverage decision theory and game theory to address security problems and related problems such as privacy, trust, or bias in emerging systems. The goal of the conference is to bring together academic, government, and industrial researchers in an effort to identify and discuss the major challenges and recent results that highlight the interdisciplinary connections between game theory, control, distributed optimization, adversarial reasoning, machine learning, mechanism design, behavioral analysis, risk assessments, and security, reputation, trust and privacy problems.

GameSec-23 is planned to be a physical event. Requests of remote attendance, e.g., due to visa issues or travel restrictions, may be accommodated if necessary.

Main Topics

  • Game theory, control, and mechanism design for security and privacy
  • Decision making and decision theory for cybersecurity
  • Security and privacy for the Internet-of-Things, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, resilient control systems, and critical infrastructure
  • Pricing, economic incentives, security investments, and cyber insurance for dependable and secure systems
  • Risk assessment and security risk management
  • Security and privacy of wireless and mobile communications, including user location privacy
  • Socio-technological and behavioral approaches to security
  • Empirical and experimental studies using game, control, or optimization theory for security and privacy
  • Behavioral science, decision making, heuristics, and biases
  • Modeling and analysis of deception for security within a game-theoretic framework
  • Adversarial or strategic machine learning and the role of AI in system security
  • Learning in games for security
  • Game-theoretic or decision-theoretic analysis for the control of epidemics/virus propagation
  • Decision and game theory for blockchain security

Important Dates

Date Description
June 6, 2023 June 20, 2023 2023 June 23 Paper submission
Aug 21, 2023 Decision notification
September 18, 2023 Camera-ready submission
October 18 – October 20, 2023 Conference

Submission Guideline for Papers


GameSec-23 proceedings will be published in Springer Lecture Notes of Computer Science.


All questions about submissions should be emailed to Yezekael Hayel.