GameSec 2016

Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security

November 2-4, 2016, New York, NY, USA

2016 Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security

Thank you to all participants in GameSec 2016! See you next year.

Photo: Participants Photo: Participants Photo: Participants

All sessions will be held at the New York University Tandon School of Engineering.

New York University Tandon School of Engineering
5 MetroTech Center, Room LC400
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Conference Resources

  • Directions to NYU Tandon School of Engineering (pdf).
  • Map of NYU Tandon School of Engineering (pdf).
  • Detailed program (pdf).
  • A few local restaurants and NYC attractions (pdf).

Plenary Speakers

Professor George Cybenko and Professor Anna Nagurney will deliver this year's plenary talks.

Registration is open. Click here to be directed to an external webpage to register.
Online registrations should be completed by October 26, 2016. Registration is also possible at the conference venue.

GameSec 2016, the seventh Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security will take place in New York, NY, USA, on November 2-4, 2016.

Special Track on "Validating Models"

The real world use of game- and decision-theoretic models in cyber and physical security applications requires validating them. Gathering and providing empirical evidence for or against such models is a crucial step in our field's progress. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to find a home for such pain-staking validation and empirical evidence gathering in conferences that are more focused on novelty of theoretical models and algorithms. To remedy this shortcoming, GameSec will include this year a special track on "validating models." Papers submitted to this special track will undergo the same rigorous evaluation as the normal GameSec submissions, but the emphasis will be on validation, data gathering and empirical evaluation, possibly of existing models.

General Description

Nations, corporations, and individuals constantly need to reason about how to protect their sensitive assets in order to ensure economic growth and prosperity. Decision making for security and privacy of infrastructure and information needs a scientific framework that can handle challenges arising from modern-day heterogeneous, dynamic, and large-scale systems.

GameSec solicits theoretical and practical contributions towards a science of decision making in security. In particular, GameSec publishes papers that apply decision and game theory, as well as related techniques such as dynamic control and mechanism design, to build resilient, secure, and dependable networked systems.

Conference Topics

The goal of GameSec is to bring together academic and indus- trial researchers in an effort to identify and discuss the major technical challenges and recent results that highlight the connection between game theory, control, distributed optimization, economic incentives and real world security, reputation, trust and privacy problems in a variety of technological systems. Submissions should solely be original research papers that have neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • Game theory and mechanism design for security and privacy
  • Pricing and economic incentives for building dependable and secure systems
  • Dynamic control, learning, and optimization and approximation techniques
  • Decision making and decision theory for cybersecurity and security requirements engineering
  • Socio-technological and behavioral approaches to security
  • Risk assessment and risk management
  • Security investment and cyber insurance
  • Security and privacy for the Internet-of-Things (IoT), cyber-physical systems, resilient control systems
  • New approaches for security and privacy in cloud computing and for critical infrastructure
  • Security and privacy of wireless and mobile communications, including user location privacy
  • Game theory for intrusion detection
  • Empirical and experimental studies with game-theoretic or optimization analysis for security and privacy

Plenary Speakers

To be announced.

Conference Sponsors

We are grateful to our main supporter, National Science Foundation, for supporting the conference through the Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) program.